Terms of service
This is a legal agreement between Customer and GPS-server.net for the service use. By using our service you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If Customer does not agree to this agreement, Customer may not use our service.
Personal account – means the service provided as user account commonly used for personal use or small company. Hosted software – means the service provided as SAAS solution commonly used to start a GPS tracking business or manage large fleets. Update – means a revision or patch that improves the functionality of Personal account or Hosted software service, and may contain new features or enhancements.General terms
- You are not allowed to copy or distribute any material contained in the web site;
- We do not allow covert tracking. You may not use our service to track a person without his or her consent, or track an object without the permission of its owner;
- You may not use the service where such use is illegal. It is your responsibility to ensure that your intended use of GPS tracking does not violate local, state or federal laws;
- You may not send automated requests to GPS-server.net, attempt to circumvent GPS-server.net’s authentication measures, reverse engineer our software or protocols, and otherwise engage in activities that we deem damaging to our service;
- Personal account or Hosted software services are non-transferable and funds are not refundable;
- We reserve the right to terminate account or service without stating any reason. If account or service is terminated, any current or pending purchases will be refunded or cancelled.